Upgrade notes
This page is intended to deal with specific, special circumstances you may encounter when upgrading between versions of Charmed Kubernetes. The notes are organised according to the upgrade path below, but also be aware that any upgrade that spans more than one minor version may need to beware of notes in any of the intervening steps.
Upgrades to all versions deployed to Juju’s localhost
LXD based cloud
There is a known issue (https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1904619) with container profiles not surviving an upgrade in clouds running on LXD. If your container-based applications fail to work properly after an upgrade, please see this topic on the troubleshooting page
Upgrading to 1.29
There are several important changes starting in 1.29 that will affect all users:
, andkubernetes-worker
charms can be observed using the COS rather than LMA.- Dropped specific relations and features which are outsourced to other charms
Observability Relations
These represent relations which were removed in favour of observability with the Canonical Observability Stack(COS).
LMA Relations:
on KCP and KW)prometheus
on KCP)scrape
on KW)grafana
In order to prepare for observability, see the Integration with COS Lite docs which can be performed following an upgrade of the charms but prior to an upgrade of the Kubernetes cluster.
kube-api-endpoint relation dropped
The kubernetes-control-plane:kube-api-endpoint
relations have been removed since these
APIs are provided by the kube-control
relation. Ensure these two apps are
linked by kube-control
relation before removing this relation.
juju integrate kubernetes-control-plane:kube-control kubernetes-worker:kube-control
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:kube-api-endpoint kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint
loadbalancer relation dropped
The kubernetes-control-plane:loadbalancer
relation has been removed in favour
of using the loadbalancer-internal
and loadbalancer-external
juju integrate kubernetes-control-plane:loadbalancer-internal kubeapi-loadbalancer
juju integrate kubernetes-control-plane:loadbalancer-external kubeapi-loadbalancer
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:loadbalancer kubeapi-loadbalancer
openstack relation deprecated
The kubernetes-control-plane:openstack
relation is being deprecated.
Integration with openstack is still important with Charmed Kubernetes, but
continues that integration through the charms openstack-cloud-controller
. These two charms better manage versions of those deployment
integrations with Kubernetes. See openstack-integration for more details on
using these charms.
After upgrading the kubernetes-control-plane
charm, the unit may enter
status with the message: openstack relation is no longer managed
If you see this message, you can resolve it by removing the openstack
juju deploy openstack-cloud-controller --channel=1.29/stable
juju deploy cinder-csi --channel=1.29/stable
juju integrate openstack-cloud-controller openstack-integrator
juju integrate cinder-csi openstack-integrator
juju integrate openstack-cloud-controller:kube-control kubernetes-control-plane:kube-control
juju integrate openstack-cloud-controller:external-cloud-provider kubernetes-control-plane:external-cloud-provider
juju integrate openstack-cloud-controller:openstack openstack-integrator:clients
juju integrate kubernetes-control-plane:kube-control cinder-csi:kube-control
juju integrate openstack-integrator:clients cinder-csi:openstack
# The following could be vault:certificates instead of easyrsa:client
# Check what supplies the certificates for the kubernetes-control-plane
juju status kubernetes-control-plane --relations | grep ':certificates'
juju integrate openstack-cloud-controller:certificates easyrsa:client
juju integrate cinder-csi:certificates easyrsa:client
# Wait for the units to be active/idle, then
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:openstack openstack:clients
nvidia gpu operator deprecated
The kubernetes-control-plane
has allowed the configuration of
where it would automatically detect a worker node
ready for GPU workloads and deploy the nvidia-plugin operator into the cluster.
After upgrading the kubernetes-control-plane
charm, the unit may enter
status with the message: nvidia-plugin is no longer managed
If you see this message, you can resolve it by following the
nvidia-gpu-operator docs to deploy a new charm. Once deployed, correcting
the config enable-nvidia-plugin
juju config kubernetes-control-plane enable-nvidia-plugin=false
ceph-client relation deprecated
The kubernetes-control-plane:ceph-client
relation is being deprecated
starting in the 1.29 release of charmed-kubernetes
Ceph integration is still a priority, but continues with the ceph-csi
which integrates Ceph with Kubernetes.
After upgrading the kubernetes-control-plane
charm, the unit may enter
status with the message: ceph-client relation deprecated, use
ceph-csi charm instead
If you see this message, you can resolve it by removing the ceph-client
relation and deploying the ceph-csi charm to mimic the previous behaviour.
juju deploy ceph-csi --channel=1.29/stable --config release="v3.8.1"
juju integrate ceph-csi:ceph-client ceph-mon
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:ceph-client ceph-mon
juju integrate ceph-csi:kubernetes kubernetes-control-plane
Keystone/K8s Authentication management
Charmed Kubernetes was installing and managing an older version of keystone-auth which manages authentication and authorisation through Keystone.
This service is better suited to be managed externally from the
charm. However, the charm provides the following
upgrade method to maintain the deployment of this service beyond 1.28.
One can determine if Keystone management is applicable with:
juju status --relations | grep kubernetes-control-plane:keystone-credentials
If this is empty, no steps regarding Keystone management are required.
If this states:
keystone:identity-credentials kubernetes-control-plane:keystone-credentials keystone-credentials regular
...then you’ll need to prepare a bit before the upgrade.
The upstream Keystone docs cover keystone-auth in detail and should be the main reference for implementation details.
Keystone has two “Auth” options:
- Authentication of users only called keystone-authentication
- Authentication and authorisation of users, called keystone-authorization
Both options require the deployment and management of the
k8s-keystone-auth webhook service, a deployment which
provides a service endpoint for the kubernetes-api-server
to use as an
intermediate to interact with an external Keystone service.
Starting from version 1.29, the kubernetes-control-plane
charm will drop the
Before upgrading, it is important to capture the state of these config options:
mkdir keystone-upgrade
juju config kubernetes-control-plane keystone-policy > keystone-upgrade/keystone-policy.yaml
juju config kubernetes-control-plane enable-keystone-authorization > keystone-upgrade/keystone-authorization
juju config kubernetes-control-plane keystone-ssl-ca | base64 -d > keystone-upgrade/keystone-webhook-ca.crt
juju exec -u kubernetes-control-plane/leader -- 'cat /root/cdk/keystone/webhook.yaml' > keystone-upgrade/webhook.yaml
After upgrading, the charm will enter a blocked
state with the status
message: Keystone credential relation is no longer managed
. This indicates
that the k8s-keystone-auth
webhook service is still running, but is no longer
If keystone-upgrade/keystone-authorization
contains true
, then the webhook
should be enabled. This command adds the Keystone authorisation webhook config
and the Webhook
authorisation mode:
juju config kubernetes-control-plane \
authorization-webhook-config-file="$(cat keystone-upgrade/webhook.yaml)" \
Finally, acknowledge the charm no longer manages Keystone by removing the relation:
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:keystone-credentials keystone
Day 2 Operations Manually
After migration, the deployment, service, secrets, and policies associated with
are no longer handled by the kubernetes-control-plane
The following components remain in the cluster, unmanaged by the charm, and should be considered managed by the cluster administrators.
Day 2 Operations via Charm
The keystone-k8s-auth
charm also provides management of these above resources.
The charm can be installed after the 1.29 upgrade, and used to manage these resource.
See keystone-k8s-auth for more details
Administrative Actions missing
The kubernetes-control-plane
and kubernetes-worker
actions list was
substantially reduced during development of 1.29. The following are no longer
present, but are slated to be reintroduced:
CIS-Benchmark Action missing
The kubernetes-control-plane
and kubernetes-worker
action for cis-benchmark
were removed during the development of the 1.29 charms and an engineering
decision to reintroduce these actions are on-going, but development and testing
incomplete. Details in LP#2044219
Automatic labelling of GPU nodes
While current worker nodes would remain unaffected as they would already be
labelled, the worker charm in 1.29 no longer labels the nodes with gpu=true
and cuda=true
Parity with this feature has been attained by using the nvidia-gpu-operator
Upgrading to 1.24
There are several important changes to 1.24 that will affect all users:
- Charms have migrated to the Charmhub.io store.
- Control-plane units will switch to a new charm named
.The application in the juju model and all relations to it will remain under the same namekubernetes-master
, only the charm supporting the application will switch. See inclusive-naming for an explanation about this.
Due to these and other changes, it is recommended to follow the specific upgrade procedure described in the upgrading to 1.24 docs.
ceph-storage relation deprecated
The kubernetes-control-plane:ceph-storage
relation has been deprecated. After
upgrading the kubernetes-control-plane charm, the charm may enter blocked
status with the message:
ceph-storage relation deprecated, use ceph-client instead
If you see this message, you can resolve it by removing the ceph-storage relation:
juju remove-relation kubernetes-control-plane:ceph-storage ceph-mon
Upgrading to 1.19
New in 1.19, master units rely on Kubernetes secrets for authentication. Entries in the previously used “basic_auth.csv” and “known_tokens.csv” will be migrated to secrets and new kubeconfig files will be created during the upgrade. Administrators should update any existing kubeconfig files that are used outside of the cluster.
There is a known issue with etcd 3.2 and Kubernetes 1.19. If you are still running etcd 3.2, upgrade to etcd 3.4 prior to upgrading Kubernetes.
As of Kubernetes 1.19, kube-proxy’s userspace proxier no longer works. Before you upgrade, check the proxy-extra-args configs to make sure that the userspace proxy mode is not being used in your cluster:
If you see proxy-mode=userspace
in the charm configs, remove it, then proceed
with the upgrade.
Please follow the upgrade instructions for 1.19.
Upgrading to 1.18
CDK Addons
As stated in the release notes, from 1.18, the cluster-monitoring
addons (Heapster, InfluxDB, and Grafana)
have been removed from the Kubernetes source tree and therefore removed from the cdk-addons
snap as well.
Customers relying on these addons should migrate to a metrics-server
solution prior to upgrading.
Note: these removals do not affect the Kubernetes Dashboard nor the methods described in Monitoring Charmed Kubernetes.
Upgrading to 1.16
Docker Registry with Containerd
Prior to 1.16, some fixes were required to support using the Docker Registry charm with Containerd.
This charm, if used, is now supported through standard relations. Before upgrading,
remove any reference of the registry in the custom_registries
containerd charm configuration.
After upgrading, see the docker registry instructions for details of how to configure a registry.
Admission control plugins
In Charmed Kubernetes 1.16, the API server parameter by which additional,
non-default admission control plugins is specified has changed. The old
parameter was --admission-control
; the new parameter is --enable-admission-plugins
For example, prior to 1.16, The ‘PodSecurityPolicy’ admission plugin could be applied like this:
As of 1.16, this changes to:
If using non-default admission plugins, be sure to upgrade your charm config accordingly after upgrading to 1.16.
Upgrading to 1.15
This upgrade switches the container runtime to make use of containerd, rather
than Docker. You have the option of keeping Docker as the container runtime,
but even in that case you must perform the upgrade steps. To facilitate
different container runtimes, the architecture of Charmed Kubernetes has
changed slightly, and the container runtime is now part of a separate,
subordinate charm rather than being included in the kubernetes-master
To keep Docker as the container runtime
Docker is currently installed on your kubernetes-worker units. The Docker subordinate charm includes clean-up code to manage the transition to the new pluggable architecture. To upgrade whilst retaining Docker as the runtime, you need to additionally deploy the new charm and add relations to the master and worker components:
The upgrade is complete, and your worker nodes will continue to use the Docker runtime. For information on configuring the Docker charm, see the Docker configuration page.
To migrate to containerd
If you intend to switch to containerd, it’s recommended that you first add some temporary extra worker units. While not strictly necessary, skipping this step will result in some cluster down time. Adding temporary additional workers provides a place for keeping pods running while new workers are brought online. The temporary workers can then be removed as the pods are migrated to the new workers. The rest of these instructions assume that you have deployed temporary workers.
Deploy temporary workers
Add necessary relations
Wait for the temporary workers to become active before continuing. Upgrade the master and worker charms:
The kubernetes-worker units will enter a blocked state, with status message “Connect a container runtime.”
Deploy and relate the new Docker charm
This step is needed even if you do not intend to use Docker following the
upgrade. Docker is already installed on your kubernetes-worker
units, and
the Docker subordinate includes clean-up code to uninstall Docker when the
Docker charm is replaced with the containerd charm.
Switching to Containerd
Now, pause the existing workers, which will move pods to the temporary workers.
For example:
Remove Docker
This will uninstall Docker from the workers.
Deploy Containerd
Resume workers
Now we can allow pods to be rescheduled to our original workers.
You can now pause the temporary workers to force all pods to migrate back to your “real” workers, then remove the temporary workers.
Mixing Containerd and Docker
Once you have a Containerd backed Charmed Kubernetes running, you can add Docker backed workers like so:
Clusters which previously ran etcd 2.3
If your cluster has run etcd 2.3 at any point in the past, then it is strongly recommended not to upgrade the etcd charm to revision 449. Doing so will cause etcd to lose all of its data. For details, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-etcd/+bug/1843497
We recommend upgrading etcd directly to charm revision 460 instead.
Upgrading to 1.14
This upgrade includes support for CoreDNS 1.4.0. All new deployments of Charmed Kubernetes will install CoreDNS by default instead of KubeDNS.
Existing deployments which are upgraded to Charmed Kubernetes 1.14 will continue to use KubeDNS until the operator chooses to upgrade to CoreDNS. To upgrade, set the new dns-provider config:
Please be aware that changing DNS providers will momentarily interrupt DNS availability within the cluster. It is not necessary to recreate pods after the upgrade completes.
The enable-kube-dns
option has been removed to avoid confusion. The new
option allows you to enable or disable KubeDNS as needed.
For more information on the new dns-provider config
, see the
dns-provider config description.
Upgrading from 1.9.x to 1.10.x
This upgrade includes a transistion between major versions of etcd, from 2.3 to 3.x. Between these releases, etcd changed the way it accesses storage, so it is necessary to reconfigure this. There is more detailed information on the change and the upgrade proceedure in the upstream etcd documentation.
To make this upgrade more convenient for users of Charmed Kubernetes, a script has been prepared to manage the transition. The script can be examined here.
To use the script to update etcd, follow these steps:
1. Download the script with the command:
2. Make the script executable:
3. Execute the script:
4. etcd OutputSed
The script should update etcd and you will see output similar to the following:
You can now proceed with the rest of the upgrade.
See the guide to contributing or discuss these docs in our public Mattermost channel.