Charmed Kubernetes on OpenStack
Charmed Kubernetes will run seamlessly
on OpenStack. With the addition of the openstack-integrator
, your cluster
will also be able to directly use OpenStack native features.
OpenStack integrator
The openstack-integrator
charm simplifies working with Charmed Kubernetes on OpenStack. Using the
credentials provided to Juju, it acts as a proxy between Charmed Kubernetes and the underlying cloud,
granting permissions to dynamically create, for example, Cinder volumes.
OpenStack integration requires Octavia to be available in the underlying OpenStack cloud, both to support Kubernetes LoadBalancer services and to support the creation of a load balancer for the Kubernetes API.
When installing Charmed Kubernetes using the Juju bundle, you can add the openstack-integrator at the same time by using the appropriate overlay file (Versions >= 1.29, Versions <= 1.28):
To use the overlay with the Charmed Kubernetes bundle, specify it during deploy like this:
...and remember to fetch the configuration file!
For more configuration options and details of the permissions which the integrator uses, please see the charm docs.
Using Octavia Load Balancers
There are two ways in which Octavia load balancers can be used with Charmed Kubernetes:
load balancers automatically created by Kubernetes for Services
which sit in front of Pods
are defined with type=LoadBalancer
, and as a replacement for the load balancer in front of the
API server itself.
In either case, the load balancers can optionally have floating IPs (FIPs) attached to them to allow for external access.
LoadBalancer-type Pod Services
To use Octavia for LoadBalancer
-type services in the cluster, you will need to set the
config to the appropriate tenant subnet where your nodes reside, and if desired, the
config to whatever network you want FIPs created in. See the
Charm config docs for more details.
As an example of this usage, this will create a simple application, scale it to five pods,
and expose it with a LoadBalancer
-type Service
You can verify that the application and replicas have been created with:
...which should return output similar to:
To check that the service is running correctly:
...which should return output similar to:
You can see that the External IP is now in front of the five endpoints of the example deployment. You can test the ingress address:
Hello Kubernetes!
API Server Load Balancer
If desired, the openstack-integrator
can also replace kubeapi-load-balancer
and create a native
OpenStack load balancer for the Kubernetes API server, which simplifies the model and is properly
HA, which kubeapi-load-balancer
on its own is not. To enable this, use the appropriate overlay
( Versions >= 1.29, Versions <= 1.28):
You will also need to set the lb-subnet
config to the appropriate tenant subnet where your nodes
reside, and if desired, the lb-floating-network
config to whatever network you want the FIP created
in. See the Charm config docs for more details.
Using Cinder Volumes
Many pods you may wish to deploy will require storage. Although you can use any type of storage supported by Kubernetes (see the storage documentation), you also have the option to use Cinder storage volumes, if supported by your OpenStack.
A csi-cinder-default
storage class will be automatically created when the cinder-csi
is used. This storage class can then be used when creating a Persistent Volume Claim:
This should finish with a confirmation. You can check the current PVCs with:
...which should return something similar to:
This PVC can then be used by pods operating in the cluster. As an example, the following
deploys a busybox
Using Keystone Authentication / Authorisation
The openstack-integrator
also provides an interface for authentication and authorisation using
Keystone. This is covered in detail in the Keystone and LDAP documentation.
Upgrading the integrator charm
The openstack-integrator
has not specifically been tied to the version of Charmed Kubernetes installed and may
generally be upgraded at any time with the following command:
The 1.29/stable release of openstack-integrator
replaces the relation for using Octavia as a loadbalancer for the API Service.
The 1.29/stable release of kubernetes-control-plane
drops the responsibility of deploying cinder-csi
and the openstack-controller-manager
In order to upgrade the control-plane and worker charms, follow this process:
1. Upgrade the openstack-integrator charm:
2. Integrate the kubernetes-control-plane application:
3. Deploy and migrate to the openstack-cloud-controller
charm (See its charm docs for details).
4. Deploy and migrate to the cinder-csi
charm (See its charm docs for details).
5. Remove the loadbalancer relation to the control-plane:
If you have any specific problems with the openstack-integrator, you can report bugs on Launchpad.
For logs of what the charm itself believes the world to look like, you can use Juju to replay the log history for that specific unit:
See the guide to contributing or discuss these docs in our public Mattermost channel.