

Can We Appropriate Design?

by Canonical on 13 January 2011

’Appropriation’ – the taking of a product and using it for one’s own purposes, in ways unintended by the product creators – is implicitly at the core of the...


Participate in research

by Alejandra Obregon on 27 November 2010

Are you a developer or systems administrator that uses Ubuntu at work and/or at home?We’re looking for people who might be available to help us on a current...


When users first encounter Ubuntu: six showstoppers

by Canonical on 11 June 2010

We recently conducted usability testing to see how users respond to Ubuntu on their first encounter. Overall, first impressions are good.  Typical remarks...


CHI paper: What would other programmers do: suggesting solutions to error messages

by Canonical on 22 April 2010

Abstract Interpreting compiler errors and exception messages is challenging for novice programmers. Presenting examples of how other programmers have...

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