AWS-IAM on Charmed Kubernetes


AWS IAM credentials can be used for authentication and authorisation on your Charmed Kubernetes cluster without regard to where it is hosted. The only requirement is that both the client machine running kubectl and the nodes running the webhook pod(s) are able to reach AWS in order to get and validate tokens.


The aws-iam subordinate charm and some relations are all that are required. These can be added with the following overlay(download it here):

    charm: aws-iam
  - ['aws-iam', 'kubernetes-control-plane']
  - ['aws-iam', 'vault']

or if using easyrsa:

    charm: aws-iam
  - ['aws-iam', 'kubernetes-control-plane']
  - ['aws-iam', 'easyrsa']

To use this overlay with the Charmed Kubernetes bundle, it is specified during deploy like this:

juju deploy charmed-kubernetes  --overlay ~/path/aws-iam-overlay.yaml

User Configuration

The aws-iam-authenticator is configured via Custom Resource Definition or CRDs. These resource definitions map an AWS IAM role or user to a Kubernetes RBAC user or group. This means that authentication happens via AWS IAM credentials, but authorisation depends on standard Kubernetes RBAC rules. The CRD for this mapping is called an IAMIdentityMapping and looks something like this:

kind: IAMIdentityMapping
  name: kubernetes-admin
  # Arn of the User or Role to be allowed to authenticate
  arn: arn:aws:iam::xxxxx:role/k8s-view-role
  # Username that Kubernetes will see the user as, this is useful for setting
  # up allowed specific permissions for different users
  username: john
  # Groups to be attached to your users/roles. For example `system:masters` to
  # create cluster admin, or `view` for view only,
  - view

Using AWS-IAM with kubectl

Download aws-iam-authenticator

The aws-iam-authenticator binary needs to be installed on the machine that is running kubectl. This is executed by kubectl in order to log in and get a token, which is then passed to the Kubernetes API server. You can find the binary on the aws-iam-authenticator releases page.

Setting up AWS Role

The aws-iam-authenticator is able to use any ARN for authentication. The easiest way to get started is to use an empty role as described in the aws-iam documentation.

  • Log into AWS console and navigate to the IAM page.
  • Click “create new role”.
  • Choose the “Role for cross-account access” / “Provide access between AWS accounts you own” option.
  • Paste in your AWS account ID number (available in the top right in the console).
  • Your role does not need any additional policies attached.

Updating kubectl config

In order to use the aws-iam-authenticator with kubectl, an updated config file is needed. The config file written to the kubernetes-control-plane unit will have a user named aws-iam-user that uses the aws-iam-authenticator client binary and a context named aws-iam-authenticator. First, copy the config:

juju ssh kubernetes-control-plane/leader -- cat config > ~/.kube/config

The config file will need to be edited in order to add the desired Amazon Resource Name(ARN) for authentication. Information about this can be found on the aws-iam-authenticator documentation. It is necessary to replace <> with the ARN of the aws user or role desired. It may also be necessary to adjust the command to fully-qualify the path to aws-iam-authenticator if it is not located in your path.

Before switching context to the aws-iam context, be sure to deploy the CRD above to give your user access to the cluster.

The context that uses aws-iam-authenticator can be selected with:

kubectl config use-context aws-iam-authenticator

Note that the aws-iam-authenticator binary behaves like the aws command line interface in that it will read environment variables like AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. See aws-iam-authenticator credentials docs for more information.

A note about authorisation

The AWS-IAM charm can be used for authentication only or can be used in an RBAC-enabled cluster to authorise users as well. If the charm is related to a Charmed Kubernetes cluster without RBAC enabled, any valid AWS IAM credential that can assume a role specified in the IAMIdentityMapping CRD will be able to run commands against the cluster. If RBAC is enabled, the user will have the permissions of the user defined in the IAMIdentityMapping CRD.

Enabling RBAC

In order to get authorisation with AWS-IAM, you will need to use RBAC. Refer to the Charmed Kubernetes RBAC documentation for complete options, but at a minimum you will need to enable RBAC with juju config kubernetes-control-plane authorization-mode="RBAC,Node". At this point, valid AWS credentials will fail unless connected to a default account.

kubectl get po -A

... will result in an error:

Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "knobby" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope

The username is pulled from the matching CRD. In this case, the following CRD was used:

kind: IAMIdentityMapping
  name: kubernetes-admin
  # Arn of the User or Role to be allowed to authenticate
  arn: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxx:role/k8s-view-role
  # Username that Kubernetes will see the user as, this is useful for setting
  # up allowed specific permissions for different users
  username: knobby
  # Groups to be attached to your users/roles. For example `system:masters` to
  # create cluster admin, or `system:nodes`, `system:bootstrappers` for nodes to
  # access the API server.
  - view

Logging in with the k8s-view-role matched against the RBAC user ‘knobby’, but this user has no permissions so the command failed. Create an RBAC Role and RoleBinding to grant permissions:

kind: Role
  name: pod-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  - pods
  - get
  - list
  - watch

# This role binding allows "knobby" to read pods in the "default" namespace.
kind: RoleBinding
  name: read-pods
  namespace: default
- kind: User
  name: knobby
  kind: Role
  name: pod-reader

Now the command will succeed.

kubectl get po
No resources found.

Note that the permissions in this example are limited to the ‘default’ namespace. For example:

kubectl get po --all-namespaces

...will result in an error:

Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "knobby" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope

Upgrading the AWS-IAM charm

The AWS IAM charm is not specifically tied to the version of Charmed Kubernetes installed and may generally be upgraded at any time with the following command:

juju refresh aws-iam


If you have any specific problems with aws-iam, you can report bugs on Launchpad.

Since aws-iam charm makes use of IAM accounts in AWS to perform actions, activity logs can be obtained from Amazon’s CloudTrail.

The flow of operations that occur when using kubectl with aws-iam is as follows:

  1. kubectl execs aws-iam-authenticator to get a token.
  2. aws-iam-authenticator contacts AWS from the user’s machine to get the token.
  3. kubectl passes token to the Kubernetes API server.
  4. The API server passes the token to the webhook pod for verification.
  5. The webhook pod contacts AWS to verify the token.
  6. The webhook pod returns RBAC user information to the API server.
  7. The API server uses RBAC rules to authorise the user.

One can troubleshoot these steps to figure out where things are going wrong.

  • Run aws-iam-authenticator token -i <cluster id> -r <aws arn> to see if a token is returned. Note that aws-iam-authenticator will cache credentials between calls.
  • Check verbose output of kubectl command by adding --v=9 such as kubectl get po --v=9
  • Check the logs of the aws-iam-authenticator deployment with juju exec --unit kubernetes-control-plane/0 -- /snap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig /root/.kube/config -n kube-system logs deploy/aws-iam-authenticator
  • Check the logs of the API server with juju exec --unit kubernetes-control-plane/0 -- journalctl -u snap.kube-apiserver.daemon.service

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