Kubernetes autoscaler charm
The Kubernetes autoscaler charm is an operator charm designed to be run on top of a Charmed Kubernetes cluster. The charm automatically adjusts the size of the Kubernetes cluster when one of the following conditions is true:
- there are pods that failed to be scheduled in the cluster due to insufficient resources
- there are nodes in the cluster that have been underutilized for an extended period of time and their pods can be placed on other existing nodes
This work is based on the upstream autoscaler code - see the FAQ for more details.
Deploying the autoscaler
The autoscaler charm must be deployed in a Kubernetes model on your cluster, not
a machine model (i.e., it runs on Kubernetes). These instructions assume you
have read and followed the instructions for
adding your Charmed Kubernetes cluster to your Juju controller.
These instructions assume you have a cluster registered with Juju and named ck8s
. Please
adjust the commands given appropriately if you have used a different name.
It is also recommended to schedule the autoscaler charm pods on
control-plane nodes, not worker nodes. In order to schedule pods on
control-plane nodes, ensure the control-plane nodes do not have the taint
In order to remove the taint, for each tainted control-plane node run:
Assuming you have a Charmed-Kubernetes deployment running and have copied the kube config file from your control-plane:
If necessary, add a new model to deploy the autoscaler charm into. Adding a model creates a Kubernetes namespace behind the scenes:
Next, deploy the autoscaler charm. Note that it must be deployed with trust:
juju deploy kubernetes-autoscaler --trust --constraints "tags=node.juju-application=kubernetes-control-plane"
The --trust
switch means that the autoscaler will have access to the Juju credentials required to add and remove nodes.
Also note that the node constraints do not currently work as intended (see LP1970991). The following workaround can be used to patch the autoscaler pods onto control-plane nodes:
kubectl patch statefulset kubernetes-autoscaler -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"nodeSelector": {"juju-application": "kubernetes-control-plane"}}}}}' -n autoscaler-model
Once deployed, the charm must be configured in order to communicate with the Juju controller. You will need to retrieve some information about your Juju controller first. Note that the controller of interest is the Juju controller which contains the Charmed Kubernetes model:
Next configure the charm:
juju config kubernetes-autoscaler \
juju_api_endpoints="${API_ENDPOINTS}" \
The charm also needs to know the UUID of your Charmed Kubernetes model. You can obtain a list of the available models using the command below:
juju models -c $KUBE_CONTROLLER --format json | jq -cr '.models[]|{name,"model-uuid"}'
Obtain the UUID of the Charmed Kubernetes model from the list, then configure
the default model UUID (replace <CHARMED_K8s_MODEL_UUID>
with the UUID of your
Charmed Kubernetes model):
Finally, configure the scaling. You will need to provide a minimum number of
nodes, maximum number of nodes, and also the name of your kubernetes-worker
application (typically this is kubernetes-worker
). Note that currently the
autoscaler charm does not support scaling to/from 0 nodes, so the minimum must
be greater than 0:
juju config kubernetes-autoscaler juju_scale="- {min: 1, max: 3, application: kubernetes-worker}"
Additional configuration of autoscaler behaviour can be made via the autoscaler_extra_args
configuration option, which allows additional parameters. An example of this configuration is shown below:
juju config kubernetes-autoscaler autoscaler_extra_args="{v: 5, scale-down-delay-after-add: 1m0s, scale-down-unneeded-time: 1m0s, unremovable-node-recheck-timeout: 1m0s}"
See the guide to contributing or discuss these docs in our public Mattermost channel.