
How to integrate Ubuntu Desktop with Active Directory

Active Directory (AD) Integration is one of the most popular Ubuntu desktop enterprise features. ADsys brings AD integration to the next level for Ubuntu Desktop 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04, enabling the following exclusive features:

  • Group Policy support
  • Privilege management and the ability to remove local admin accounts
  • Remote script execution
  • Management of AppArmor profiles
  • Mounting of network shares
  • Configuration of proxy settings
  • Certificate autoenrollment and integration with Active Directory Certificate Services

Ubuntu Desktop is the first and only Linux distribution that natively allows you to extend the same, familiar tools you use to manage your Windows infrastructure to your Linux estate. Integrating and managing Ubuntu desktop into an existing domain becomes an effortless process when using System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) and ADsys.

This whitepaper provides detailed insights and step-by-step instructions for using SSSD to join Ubuntu Desktop into Active Directory, configuring your first GPO and scheduling your first script through ADsys.

What can I learn from this whitepaper?

  • Overview of SSSD in the context of Active Directory integration.
  • Detailed steps for SSSD set up and joining Ubuntu into Active Directory.
  • Overview of ADsys, the new advanced Active Directory client
  • How to attach an Ubuntu Pro subscription to an Ubuntu Desktop machine
  • How to use Group Policies to change Ubuntu desktop properties
  • Troubleshooting and best practices
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