Ubuntu Edge community round-up
Victor Tuson Palau
on 29 July 2013
Tags: Ubuntu Edge
The Ubuntu Edge campaign has seen some great responses since it launched, and we wanted to share a few of the best. Perhaps you can send these round and boost your referrals before the Referral Contest ends on Friday…
First up, this fantastic “Ubuntu Edge: Explained” video from tech video blogger Marques Brownlee. It’s already been watched nearly 100,000 times, and it’s easy to see why — his enthusiasm for technology is infectious. It summarises the campaign really well, and it’s a great video to share on social media.
Also brilliant, but in a totally different way, is this 3D reconstruction of the Ubuntu Edge from Sketchfab user aerilius. Seemingly put together using only the available photos, it’s remarkably accurate — as far as we can see, only the connectors on the bottom are missing. Amazing work, and a great way to show people what they’ll get for their contribution.
Then, of course, there’s Jono Bacon, our own community manager — and he’s the only person lucky enough to make a video with the Ubuntu Edge prototype itself. Compare it to the 3D reconstruction above, you won’t spot many differences.
Finally, if you have an Android phone you can grab a neat counter widget for your home screen to keep up with the campaign progress. It’s free in the Google Play Store.
Keep the content coming, and keep on supporting the campaign!
The Ubuntu Edge team
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