Ubuntu 14.10 wallpapers – we needs ’em!
by Canonical on 8 August 2014
Ubuntu was once described to me by a wise(ish 😉 ) man as a train that was leaving whether you’re on it or not. That’s the beauty of a 6 month release cycle....
See your photos and illustrations in Ubuntu 13.10
by Canonical on 12 July 2013
Each cycle we get together as a community to select some fine default wallpapers for the new release of Ubuntu. Your pictures and illustrations could be in the 13.10!
The Natty Wallpaper contest – an important update!
by Canonical on 26 January 2011
Two weeks into our wallpaper contest we’re seeing lots of really interesting entries for the photographic part. As those of you who read the previous post...
Get your photos on millions of computers!
by Canonical on 16 August 2010
It’s that time again! We’ve been accepting submissions on the Ubuntu Artwork Flickr group for a while now but with the deadline fast approaching for Beta we...