Modified Ubuntu: Software Freedom Day


on 21 September 2011

This article is more than 13 year s old.

To celebrate Software Freedom Day 2011 we got sent one of the banners showing the new SFD logo. The logo design is based around a custom-modified version of the Ubuntu Font Family (the fonts come with source code, and modification is allowed as long as you follow the rules).

There are some photographs showing the development of the logo components, and how it even includes the subtle outline of Tux the penguin, the mascot of the Linux kernel that forms the base layer of the Ubuntu operating system and other Free Software distributions.

Frederic Muller has added more details are on bug #838287, and there’s a case study of the modifications changed from Ubuntu Bold Italic when making the Software Freedom Day logo. Photos from SFD2011 events around the world are starting to appear on Flickr.

Marcus Haslam, brand lead for the Ubuntu project reminds everyone that if you’re representing the Ubuntu brand itself, you must only use an unmodified version of the Ubuntu typeface. This is to keep consistency across the brand.

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