OpenStack Development Summary – October 13, 2017

James Page

on 13 October 2017

This article was last updated 2 year s ago.

Welcome to the seventh Ubuntu OpenStack development summary!

This summary is intended to be a regular communication of activities and plans happening in and around Ubuntu OpenStack, covering but not limited to the distribution and deployment of OpenStack on Ubuntu.

If there is something that you would like to see covered in future summaries, or you have general feedback on content please feel free to reach out to me (jamespage on Freenode IRC) or any of the OpenStack Engineering team at Canonical!

OpenStack Distribution

Stable Releases

Current in-flight SRU’s for OpenStack related packages:

Ceph 10.2.9 point release

Ocata Stable Point Releases

Pike Stable Point Releases

Horizon Newton->Ocata upgrade fixes

Recently released SRU’s for OpenStack related packages:

Newton Stable Point Releases

Development Release

OpenStack Pike released in August and is install-able on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS using the Ubuntu Cloud Archive:

sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:pike

OpenStack Pike also forms part of the Ubuntu 17.10 release later this month; final charm testing is underway in preparation for full Artful support for the charm release in November.

We’ll be opening the Ubuntu Cloud Archive for OpenStack Queens in the next two weeks; the first uploads will be the first Queens milestones, which will coincide nicely with the opening of the next Ubuntu development release (which will become Ubuntu 18.04 LTS).

OpenStack Snaps

The main focus in the last few weeks has been on testing of the gnocchi snap, which is currently install-able from the edge channel:

sudo snap install --edge gnocchi

The gnocchi snap provides the gnocchi-api (nginx/uwsgi deployed) and gnocchi-metricd service;  Due to some incompatibilities between gnocchi/cradox/python-rados the snap is currently based on the 3.1.11 release; hopefully we should work through the issues with the 4.0.x release in the next week or so, as well as having multiple tracks setup for this snap so you can consume a version known to be compatible with a specific OpenStack release.

Nova LXD

The team is currently planning work for the Queens development cycle; pylxd has received a couple of new features – specifically support for storage pools as provided in newer LXD versions, and streaming of image uploads to LXD which greatly reduces the memory footprint of client applications during uploads.

OpenStack Charms

Queens Planning

Out of the recent Queens PTG, we have a number of feature specs landed in the charms specification repository . There are a few more in the review queue; if you’re interested in plans for the Queens release of the charms next year, this is a great place to get a preview and provide the team feedback on the features that are planned for development.

Deployment Guide

The first version of the new Charm Deployment Guide has now been published to the OpenStack Docs website; we have a small piece of followup work to complete to ensure its published alongside other deployment project guides, but hopefully that should wrap up in the next few days.  Please give the guide a spin and log any bugs that you might find!


Over the last few weeks there has been an increased level of focus on the current bug triage queue for the charms; from a peak of 600 open bugs two weeks ago, with around 100 pending triage, we’ve closed out 70 bugs and the triage queue is down to a much more manageable level.  The recently introduced bug triage rota has helped with this effort and should ensure we keep on-top of incoming bugs in the future.


In the run-up to the August charm release, a number of test scenarios which required manual execution where automated as part of the release testing activity;  this automation work reduces the effort to produce the release, and means that the majority of test scenarios can be run on a regular basis.  As a result, we’re going to move back to a three month release cycle; the next charm release will be towards the end of November after the OpenStack summit in Sydney.

IRC (and meetings)

As always, you can participate in the OpenStack charm development and discussion by joining the #openstack-charms channel on Freenode IRC; we also have a weekly development meeting in #openstack-meeting-4 at either 1000 UTC (odd weeks) or 1700 UTC (even weeks) – see for more details.

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