OpenPOWER Foundation: Continuing the Datacenter Revolution
John Zannos
on 5 January 2016
Tags: OpenPower
Today, I am pleased to announce that I have accepted my nomination to be the new Chair of the OpenPOWER Foundation. OpenPOWER represents a gigantic leap forward in revolutionizing the datacenter through open hardware and open software like Linux. Through open source we innovate, collaborate, and scale, and my increasing role within OpenPOWER allows me to bring the knowledge and experience of working with Canonical’s dedicated open source purists and community to this new arena.
I’m very excited about what 2016 has to offer for OpenPOWER, and to get greater detail on our plans and how you can get involved, read my joint blog post with new OpenPOWER President Calista Redmond, on the official OpenPOWER Foundation blog.
John Zannos, VP Cloud Alliances, Canonical
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