Missed Operator Day at KubeCon NA 2023? – Catch the Replay!

This article was last updated 1 year ago.

This year’s KubeCon was just as intense as ever. Everyone was talking about AI and MLOps and new use cases for improving Kubernetes and applications with generative technology. And it was the perfect place for us to showcase our platform for building new AI/ML applications: Canonical MLOps, which uses software operators. 

Co-located at KubeCon, we delivered Operator Day for the 7th time, a session presenting and explaining these operators. It was the ideal introduction for seeing how operators work and for getting started with creating your own AI/ML platform at the same time – but if you couldn’t make it to the event, don’t worry.

In case you missed Operator Day: there is good news

You may not have registered for KubeCon this year or were busy on November 6th. If you missed Operator Day, we have good news: starting January 4th, we will present weekly on-demand events week covering the presentations step by step. We will stream the presentations and be online for your questions in the chat for Operator Day.

Register for Operator Day on Demand

The agenda at a glance: what happened at Operator Day?

Operator Day covered the entire journey of an engineering team, exploring software operators with hands-on sessions. We covered the step-by-step creation of an operator for Juju, called a charm, using the Charm SDK, including:

    • How to write the first lines of code to create a charm,

    • How to extend the charm with certificate management, single sign-on and observability,

    • How to deploy and publish the charm to MicroK8s on AWS.

The presentations covered the path from zero to a production-grade charm ready for Juju. Because the sessions did not focus on slides but on showing interactions with terminals, IDEs and Web browsers, everyone can follow the steps in their own environments. And the presented code is freely accessible on Github.

Of course, Operator Day had much more beyond AI/ML: presentations showed hands-on how to operate other popular open source applications, such as PostgreSQL and Apache Spark. We improved this year’s Operator Day based on the feedback submitted at our previous event: attendees suggested more hands-on examples that they can try on their own computers. Many thanks for this valuable feedback.

Here’s an overview of the Operator Day agenda: 

09:00Level up software operations with JujuCédric Gégout and Mark Shuttleworth
09:15The charm-ing story of Operator Inc.The team at Operator Inc.
Great Examples
09:25Postgres – better with a charmMohamed Nsiri
10:10Operate AI pipelines at scale with Canonical MLOpsKimonas Sotirchos
10:40Bring your workloads to Kubernetes: the “charming” story of SparkEnrico Deusebio
Create a Charm
11:10Create a Charm in 50 minutesCarl Csaposs
12:10Using certificate providers with CharmsGhislain Bourgeois
12:40Enterprise state-of-the-art SSO with Azure ADMassimiliano Gori and Natalia Nowakowska
13:00React before your users experience issues: add observabilityLuca Bello
13:25Infrastructure-as-Code: Terraform your applications deploymentTom Haddon
13:55Control your distributed workloads – Juju management at scale with JAASAlexander Kilroy
14:15Be part of it: how to join the ecosystem.Michael Jaeger
14:35The big picture for Operator Inc. From the team at Operator Inc.The team at Operator Inc.
14:40Closing RemarksCédric Gégout

Missed Operator Day? – Register at Inside Operator Day in January 2024!

For all of you, who missed the recent event at KubeCon NA 2023: we will cover the presentations in a weekly mini-series of on-demand events, starting on January 4th, with live Q&A in chat. If you couldn’t make it to Operator Day at KubeCon 2023, we hope to see you there.

January 4, 2024Mastering software operators for Data and AI
January 15, 2024Mastering Charm Development with a Deep Dive into Canonical Software Operators
January 18, 2024Strengthening Your Software Operations
January 25, 2024Manage your software operators

Learn more

See the Operator Day event page
Learn more about Juju and charms
Browse our collection of charms on Charmhub.io

More questions about Operator Day or Juju and Charms?

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