Fresh snaps from January 2019

This article was last updated 6 year s ago.

As we step into the new year we’ve got a collection of applications which crossed our “desk” (Twitter feed) during January 2019. Take a look down the list, and discover something new today.

1. OpenToonz


World-famous Open Source 2D Animation suite, OpenToonz is available as a snap for Linux. Use scanned scenes or create from scratch directly on the desktop. Easily build animations and apply effects.

Get OpenToonz from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install opentoonz

2. Eureka DOOM Editor

Alfred E. Neumayer

Feeling nostalgic for those 90s first-person shooters? Eureka DOOM Editor lets you build map levels for DOOM, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and a bunch of other oldies and goldies. Design, play, relive the past.

Get Eureka DOOM Editor from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install eureka-doom-editor

3. HexChat


Securely chat across multiple IRC networks on Linux with HexChat. Featuring an easy-to-use and customizable graphical interface, HexChat is a popular Open Source way to stay in contact with projects and communities.

Get HexChat from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install hexchat

4. Blender

Gustavo Niemeyer

Bring out the inner artist in you. Blender is a 3D creation suite that supports modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, video editing, and even game creation.

Get Blender from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install blender

5. VidCutter

Pete Alexandrou

Modern, simple and fast. Vidcutter is a media cutter + joiner, with frame-accurate SmartCut technology + Qt5, libmpv, FFmpeg and MediaInfo powering the backend. Now you can work on that Director’s Cut [sic].

Get VidCutter from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install vidcutter

6. MicroPad

Nick Webster

Pay attention, and take some notes! MicroPad is an open digital note taking app, with Markdown-formatted text, encrypted sync, Evernote import, infinite canvas, additions for math and tables, and much more.

Get MicroPad from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install micropad

7. Urban Terror

Private Nubing

Fun over realism. Urban Terror is a unique, enjoyable first person shooter. Cool maps, crazy tactics, fancy weapons, and wall-hopping.

Get Urban Terror from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install urban-terror

8. iteleport (beta)

iTeleport, Inc.

Remotely control your PC with just a browser and iteleport. Launch on your PC, sign in and then securely connect to it from any other computer or mobile device! Great for remote support, or accessing your documents while away.

Get iteleport (beta) from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install iteleport

9. Gnome Twitch

Daniel Llewellyn

I’ve got a twitch! Live streaming, chat and gaming, on your Linux desktop. GNOME Twitch is a great way to enjoy the highly popular streaming platform, now available as a snap.

Get Gnome Twitch from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install gnome-twitch

10. Xonotic


Xonotic is an addictive, arena-style first-person shooter with crisp movement and a wide array of weapons. Classic Nexuiz and Quake maps are also supported. Frag away!

Get Xonotic from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install xonotic

11. sugarizer

Lionel Laské

Discover the Sugar Learning Platform on any device. Used daily by nearly 3 Million children around the world. Sugar is a leading learning platform developed for the One Laptop Per Child project. Now available as a snap for Linux!

Get sugarizer from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install sugarizer

12. Rambox CE


Rambox CE is a workspace browser that allows you to manage many applications, all in one place. Perfect for people who care about productivity and work with many applications, both business and personal 🐏 📦

Get Rambox CE from the Snap store or install it on the command-line with:
snap install rambox

That’s all for this month. Keep up to date with Snapcraft on Twitter for more updates! Also, join the community over on the Snapcraft forum to discuss anything you’ve seen here.

Header image by Shane Rounce on Unsplash.

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