What’s the easiest way to start using big software? Meet Conjure-up
Adam Stokes
on 9 June 2016
Tags: Big Software , conjure-up , deep learning , kubernetes , OpenStack , Ubuntu

Have a big software project you want to get in front of users with the least amount of barriers? Maybe it has a lot of dependencies, target runtimes, and/or micro-service type relationships. Don’t feel like writing a book’s worth of install and configuration documentation?
Wish you could just tell folks to just conjure-up your project? As if it was a magical spell?
Hear about the latest platform but don’t have time to figure out how to begin to deploy it just to give it a try?
Conjure-up is a power tool for getting users using Big Software
The Ubuntu Solutions Engineering team is pleased to announce the first pre-release of conjure-up 2.0!
Conjure-up lets you summon up big-software as a “spell” – a model of a software stack, including all the extra know-how to get you from bits on disk to a fully usable, configured, related deployment. Start using big software instead of learning how to deploy it.
- Want OpenStack? Done, no problem.
- What about Big Data? Like magic.
- Deep Learning? Yep, just like that.
- Kubernetes? Like butter.
Seems simple? It is, with conjure-up.
But wait, that sounds way too easy. What’s the catch?
After picking a spell, conjure-up presents you with a list of targets to deploy to including:
- Major public clouds like EC2, Azure or GCE
- A local (and super fast) deployment with LXD containers
- Bare metal in a MAAS cluster
From there conjure-up can work in two ways:
- Walkthrough mode: where each spell will present you with a series of panels describing software components and their associated configurations. Users can accept the defaults or modify as needed to fit their particular use case.
- Default (headless) mode: where a spell can be deployed with all default options, placement and relations bypassing all the walkthrough panels.
Enough with the sales pitch, you’re itching to give it a try right? Let’s get started!
Getting conjure-up
conjure-up is available on both Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS and Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS
$ snap install conjure-up --classic --beta
$ conjure-up
Popular Spells
The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes works across all major public clouds and private infrastructure, enabling your teams to operate Kubernetes clusters on demand, anywhere.
$ conjure-up kubernetes
An OpenStack Cloud (Newton release) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, providing Dashboard, Compute, Network, Block Storage, Object Storage, Identity and Image services.
$ conjure-up openstack
Release Notes
Several bug fixes and new features were introduced in this release. For a full list of what’s changed visit the Releases page.
Feature highlights
- Ability to summon spells from various remote repositories, such as the Juju charm store, GitHub, BitBucket, and privately managed web servers.
- 2 modes of deployments, an Interactive mode which walks you through the entire deploy process. Second, a headless mode for a non-interactive approach to deploying big-software.
Want to get involved?
Please visit our website or join us on IRC to participate in this project:
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