Ceph Days London 2024

Tags: ceph , Event , Storage

Date: July 17th, 2022

Location: London, United Kingdom

In a couple of weeks, Ceph Days makes a stop off in London, at Canonical’s newly opened office at More London Place. Canonical is proud to be sponsoring this community led event alongside IBM.

If you are unfamiliar, Ceph Days are one day conference events that bring local Ceph communities together and host a multitude of technical talks from upstream developers and operators alike. Naturally, the event will end with an opportunity to network with fellow Ceph developers and users.

Tickets are still available and more information can be found here.

Canonical led talks

We aren’t just hosting the London event, we’re also excited to have two of our own Ceph experts on the speaker list.

Integrating NVMe-oF with Ceph and Juju

Software Engineer, Luciano Lo Giudice, will deliver a talk on how he has developed a new Juju charm that allows users to create NVMe-oF devices backed by RBD.  The charm provides a user-friendly experience for scaling and high-availability of the NVMe-oF gateway.

Sunbeam and Ceph sitting in a tree

James Page, Principal Architect, will talk about OpenStack Sunbeam and Ceph.  The Sunbeam project is a re-think of how to deploy and operate OpenStack Clouds including how OpenStack integrates with Ceph – in the form of MicroCeph. He will discuss the motivations for this approach and the tech used under the covers.

Looking forward to seeing you

We look forward to seeing you there, for more details on Ceph Days London, the full agenda, and to sign up see the event page here

Learn more about Ceph on Ubuntu here.


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